by Lindsey Klyn, Marketing Manager for MH4H

I scream, you scream, we all scream for… frozen yogurt? That’s right! You may have heard rumors, but it’s official; MH4H plans to open their first frozen yogurt shop called The Mango Tree at 720 Main Street in Pella, Iowa this coming April.

Does it seem odd for a Haitian-based ministry to be opening a frozen yogurt shop in Iowa? We think not.

After such a successful start to Many Hands Market in Spencer this past August, MH4H felt encouraged to pursue other mission based businesses stateside. The Mango Tree will provide high-quality yogurt, with proceeds going to fund programs already established in Haiti. Plus, the shop provides an opportunity for people from the Pella community to get involved, without having to go to Haiti. Whether volunteering or snacking, this self-serve yogurt shop will provide new and fun ways to bless the people of Haiti.

Liz Clarke, native of Clinton, Iowa, will serve as the store manager and the only official employee of the store. The rest of the store will be run by volunteers. Clarke attended Central College in Pella and graduated in 2006. She comes on board with over four years of restaurant managing experience, as well as a passion to spread God’s truth all over the world. She’s especially excited to help volunteers realize that being mission minded doesn’t have to mean moving to a third-world country.

Left: Store Manager Liz Clarke went to Haiti with MH4H this past October to celebrate her birthday. Little did she know, God had much bigger plans than a fun birthday celebration in store. Right: This store at 720 Main Street in Pella will serve as the future home of The Mango Tree. 

“Through my experience with MH4H, God has already shown me that being missional isn’t always about the GO-ing,” stated Clarke. “It is first about BE-ing intentionally in relationship with Him and with those He places in our life. His promise rings true that when we delight ourselves in Him, He will give us the desires of our hearts! For me, having a job where my skill set and passions are blended together so deliciously is better than anything I could’ve imagined!”

Clarke and the rest of the staff at MH4H look forward to the impact The Mango Tree will have on the Pella community. The store provides a local presence for customers to hear about what’s going on in Haiti and creates a volunteer opportunity to become directly involved with work for Haiti, without actually going there. However, if a volunteer is interested in going to Haiti but doesn’t have the funds, The Mango Tree’s point system for volunteering reduces the cost of a trip, making it more feasible for anyone to go and serve alongside our Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ.

The demo’s begun, but there’s much work to be done! We look forward to witnessing God work through people like you over the next few months as we follow His leading to make this dream a reality. If you want to volunteer with or give to The Mango Tree, please email [email protected]. If you’d like to keep up with the latest news at The Mango Tree, like it on facebook at