As we hear from many friends and family and friends of friends and family, we are very touched by the outreach of care and concern as to how we are doing. We are beyond grateful for the prayers and inquiries for our safety and well being. People in Haiti were probably less informed about the status of things following the earthquake than those of you with regular access to world news. Of course people knew the earthquake had happened on August 14 but not much news was reaching our area. The tremble was felt in the Pignon area but no damage. Tropical Storm Fred had passed, then Tropical Storm Grace came through leaving Pignon with some much needed rain.

Friends of MH (Many Hands) have supported Earthquake relief in a huge way. MH relief efforts include sending an initial load of 47,000 pounds of staple food transported in 3 trucks. Then another 55,000 pounds of rice was purchased and spilt between 4 trucks that have arrived in the earthquake zone.

Monday, I had accompanied a gal seeing an oncologist at the hospital in Mirebalais which is about 2 hours from where we live. While there, I talked to people who had come to the hospital from the earthquake zone. One man I spoke with said his house was completely caved in. His father and sister had died. He was at the hospital with his wife who had sustained injuries and was in need of surgery. Hard to wrap your mind around the depth of loss and sorrow this family must be feeling.

However, when trouble strikes, the Haitian people don’t waiver.  Haitian proverbs are quoted all the time. I don’t doubt there is a Haitian proverb that states, “You do what you gotta do!” Because this is what they do.

However, when trouble strikes, the Haitian people don’t waiver.”

Trucks from the Southern earthquake zone arrive at MH campus at midnight Wednesday, August 25. What had been unloaded earlier that day, by hand, now needed to be loaded, by hand.

For over 2 hours, rice bags were flying!

Two MH staff members, Pastor Jean Ronel Joseph (pictured below) and Ag technician Kely Marcellin (Pictured below in the second photo in purple), traveled for HOURS on the road to arrive at the destination in the South where the relief aid distribution of the food would take place. 

Temporary housing of sheets and tarps probably didn’t withstand the hard rain reported by Jean Ronel. The rain fell all night the first night Jean Ronel and Kely were there. It probably slowed the distribution process a bit. But… You do what you gotta do! 

Kely sharing New Testament bibles, toothbrushes, and little wooden toy cars with people in the area.

In times like these….LIFE MARCHES ON. YOU DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO! MH ministry continues strong each day in times like these.

In times like these, after just a ‘normal’ rain in the Pignon area, a chunk of road that leads to Fontenn, a nearby community where we normally travel to, was washed out.  
This is not ‘temporary’ housing. This is the day in and day out living conditions without a natural disaster to call in relief aid.
This man was not a victim of an earthquake but a victim of a truck accident. MH offered the life restoring gift of mobility with a mobility cart!
Even in times like these with drought, Avocado trees bear fruit! These Avocados are planned as a supplement to the First 1000 Days Program meal!

In times like these, welcoming a new baby boy into the Pignon community. I find myself trying to imagine the babies that have been born in the South of Haiti since the earthquake.

Even in time like these, Gramma can be found playing store with her grandkids, negotiating a price for the clothing they have “for sale”. The wheelbarrow would be a typical medium used for selling nearly any type of goods. 

In times like these, MH has audio bibles to distribute. Young and old covet this tool to hear God’s Word. 
Below is Mme Pierre. Her husband just passed away. We are so thankful she has her audio bible. The next photo…Mme Pierre’s neighbor also getting the gift of an audio bible. MH Chaplain Pastor Lumanes is teaching both ladies how to use it.
You know Joslin, below, and his dad. In times like these…they continue to support themselves by making and selling chairs. Pictured is my ti moto, AKA scooter, where they carefully tie on the load!
In times like these, MH nurse Lerosane seizes the moment to train and teach these young teenage gals about their bodies. Encouraging them to respect themselves.

Odzeliah, who lives in a nearby community, doesn’t remember how old she is. She does know President Vincent was in power when she was born. History shows this man was president between 1930-1941.  Odzeliah sweeps her yard each day with the broom behind her. The neighbor says she has a garden where she goes each day to weed. 
In times like these…. Odzeliah’s tiny house with her beautifully kept yard!

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. AMEN
In times like these.