The words, “Fear not”, are said 365 times in the Scriptures. God asks us to be brave because He asks us to love. Loving people the way Jesus does takes courage. And loving with your whole heart is not for the faint of heart.
Click here to read Micah’s previous blog called, Sunday School Burritos.
Jesus was brave. Have you ever considered that? Think beyond that He is God; He was born as a human. A man destined to die and He knew it. In Gethsemane, His own body and mind protested against the torture and anguish to come. Yet He submitted Himself to His Father’s will. Because love is spelled B – R – A – V – E.
Someone recently asked me what I admire most about the Haitian culture. It took me awhile to put my finger on it but, without a doubt, it’s their courage. The bravery their forefathers possessed to take and defend their freedom from French slave masters is a matter of pride ingrained in every Haitian. But it’s more than that. There’s a hardiness to their courage that colors every day life here, down to the speech patterns.
“I’m in the battle,” one pastor stoutly responds whenever I ask him how he is.
“You give me value and courage,” a friend declared when we visited him in the hospital.
“I wonder if people will have the courage to fight when difficulties come,” one leader admitted of a community project.

The Citadelle constructed to stand against foreign invasion
Early November, I shadowed a team of women who were conducting home visits for those enrolling in our First Thousand Days program this January. One such visit took us to the furthest corner of a rural community called Twa Poto. In searching for this house, our driver perched the three-wheeler at the mouth of a rocky ravine to ask directions from a shirtless man staring down on us from the embankment. As they conversed, I felt a murmur in my spirit saying that this man and his family were involved in Voodoo. There were no visible flags to mark a witch doctor, no black symbols painted on the ground or buildings, no strange objects hanging from the trees – all signs of Voodoo practice. While I was noticing this, the man confirmed that his was the family we were looking for and invited us into the yard.

Conducting home visits
“The baby has been sick,” we were told. Fever and a cough plagued the eight month old and a fungal infection covered his head. Around his neck was a string of colored beads. Here was the sign of Voodoo I was looking for. In Haiti, children are often given a necklace, bracelet, or belt of colored beads that is believed to ward off evil spirits. I knew that the very thing this family looked toward to heal their baby was making him worse.

String of beads often given to children
Our greatest weaknesses often feed off of our greatest strengths. The Haitian people are brave in ways I may never be. Yet Voodoo, and the stench of fear it brings, permeates the culture telling them they need to succumb to its practices to be healthy, strong, protected, and powerful. The true heroes of the nation are those who obey God despite their initial fears.
- A pastor who faced an angry crowd, putting his life on the line so a goat thief might have a fair trial.
- A community leader suffering debilitating numbness in his limbs who chose to trust God’s healing power rather than visit a witch doctor.
- A widower working to raise his children and keep his family under the same roof.

Standing in the ruins of the Sans Souci Palace
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
“If you love Me, keep My commandments.” John 14:15
Obedience to God is love and love is spelled B – R – A – V – E.
Through Haiti, God is teaching me the dance of love and obedience. He’s challenging the way I love Him and others, calling out the weaknesses hiding among my strengths. It’s a painful process and not at all comfortable. But I press on and I hope you do the same.
Yours truly,
Micah Aurand
Prayer Points!
- Pray that God’s glory will shine in Haiti and many souls will turn to Him!
2. A little girl from my community, named Cherika, is fighting stage 4 cancer. She is currently in Port au Prince receiving treatment. Please speak healing over her young body. Pray for strength, peace, and courage for the family as they walk through this together.
3. Funding – As I follow the path God has set before me in Haiti, I need to raise $19,635 per year. I have currently raised this year’s goal! Praise God with me as He has provided time and again! I thank you, my family and friends, for the prayers and support you have sent for this work.
If you feel that God is calling you to partner with me ( and Him! ) financially and/or in prayer on this Haiti faith journey, you can click here to find out more about MH4H, my role, and how to support me. If you have questions or would like to know more about anything I have mentioned, feel free to contact me through Facebook or by responding to this newsletter.