Transformative Power: The Huysers’ Final Day in Haiti

by | Jan 16, 2025

Leah and Jager Huyser, a young, newly-married couple, wrap up their time in Haiti. They share how they were able to witness the power of transformation, even in the short amount of time they spent in Haiti, interacting with its people and culture. The Huyser’s highlight a special place Tim Brand, CEO and Founder of Many Hands, took them; Tim showed the Huyser’s the School of Salt and Light in La Belle Mere, which is the school Tim and his family built back in 2007. This served as a moment of impact for the Huysers as they witnessed firsthand the capability Haiti and its people have to change for the better, as evidenced by the success and blossoming of the school. 

We would describe today as one of the more emotional days we’ve experienced on our trip. Not only is it one of the last days on our journey, but it was also the day we got to experience the starting point of Tim’s heart towards Haiti, and where everything has blossomed from. We learned that Tim and his family built the first School of Light in 2007–it’s crazy to see everything that Many Hands has done in Haiti since then, while also imagining all the work that God still has for Many Hands left to do in Haiti and its people.

Pictured Above: The School of Salt and Light in La Belle Mere, built by Tim Brand and his family in 2007. 

To see God working in such wondrous ways from the beginning is so powerful. Then to witness the growth God has done at the other campuses is just even more of a blessing. 

The Lord is so vibrant in this organization and the individuals involved. To top the day off, we got to hold one of the babies at the center we visited. Seeing and holding this child, not only melted our hearts, but it gave us hope that the coming generations will be able to thrive and proclaim the name of Jesus because of Many Hands. 

About Many Hands:

Many Hands is an Iowa-based nonprofit creating local and global life-transformation by strengthening families.  Established in 2008, the organization focuses on six key areas for transformation, including education, agronomy, leadership development, safe homes, medical assistance, and economic development. Each year, the organization reaches at least 25,000 people through their Haitian operations, IMPACT trips, and Many Hands four Thrift Markets located in the greater Des Moines, Iowa area. 

Many Hands is called to transform together, to be love in action, in a broken world.